“Music’s the great invitation for mankind to transcend spoken word
to enhance how we think, and put into sync, so we hear what is mostly not heard.”
Freddie Ravel is the internationally acclaimed Harmonics Maestro that blends his infectious passions for music and business to unlock the minds, hearts and hips of audiences around the world.
The #1 chart-topping keyboardist, speaker and producer is the creator of the unique Keynote Concert™ where strategic storytelling and customized music messaging merge to delight and inspire the greatness in leaders, teams and entrepreneurs alike.
Backed by number one hits and collaborative successes with Earth, Wind and Fire, Madonna, Prince, Indie Arie, Sergio Mendes, Quincy Jones, Al Jarreau, the Boston Pops and rock legend, Carlos Santana, he is the Founder of Human Harmonics, the peak performance program to enhance leadership, innovation and collaboration within major companies and organizations such as: Starbucks, Coke, Toyota, Red Bull, NASA, Apple, Morgan Stanley, Google and Citi.
As a one-of-a-kind Edutainer, Freddie is a captivating access point through which to transform entrepreneurs, events and companies forever.
Business Harmonics allows your attendees to:
- Unlock the secrets of music to amplify business and personal success.
- Change pre-conceived concepts about conflict and “dissonance” and see them as the very gifts needed to achieve greatness.
- See, feel and HEAR a new, powerful path for achieving breakthroughs, results and desired outcomes.
Internationally acclaimed Keynote Maestro Freddie Ravel uses the metaphor of the high performance orchestra and his infectious passions for music and business to unlock the minds, hearts and potential of audiences around the world.
In a symphony – as in business – one person can’t do it all. Great music is made when everyone gives his or her best and it’s the bandleader’s job to bring out the best in everyone. Freddie Ravel’s “Keynote Concert” takes an audience on a journey that offers startling new perspectives on how to be your best.
Tapping the world’s undisputed international language through storytelling, beloved musical concepts, and his track record of number one hits and team successes with such music legends as Madonna, Prince, the Boston Pops and Carlos Santana, he reveals new ways to enhance leadership, teamwork and the harmonic keys to success.
BUSINESS HARMONICS – This is the foundational Keynote Concert where “The Six Harmonics” – the integrated success-proven system of music and business principles – is presented for organizational success.
CONNECTED LEADERSHIP – The timeless power of music’s “melody” and how when leaders “sing” a better future, inspiration resonates across the entire company’s culture.
INNOVATION HARMONICS – How the gift of disruption and dissonance gives rise to imagination, creativity and ways to access a whole new mindset. A deep exploration of the Jazz Band, its’ parallels to business and what is needed to execute on-the-spot improvisation.
DISSONANCE – It’s not hard for organizations to go out of tune, get out of sync or both…
especially when dissonance is ever present. The audience plays, interacts and experiences what disruption really sounds like – ouch!! Fortunately, they then participate in its’ resolution which Freddie transforms into a stunning new composition that they themselves contribute to.
TEAM HARMONICS – Emphasis is on revealing music’s tools for resolving conflicts and creating breakthroughs that enhance listening skills, anticipate change and lead to the ultimate resolution – balance.
ACTIVE LISTENING FOR ROCKSTARS – Empower Your Team with the tools and techniques Freddie has curated by working directly with music legends Madonna, Earth, Wind and Fire and Carlos Santana. Get the behind-the-scenes insights and exclusive video samples from the iconic masters in concert and the techniques to interact that transform giant stadiums filled with listeners to roar with joy, delight and fulfillment.
IT DON’T MEAN A THING…If It Ain’t Got That Swing: Time Management in an age of relentless distractions.
$ONIC CURRENC¥ – Music’s Global Financial Reach
TUNE UP to Success – Tuning IN, Tuning UP and Living it!